The Legend Of Zelda: Echoes Of Wisdom - A Rift In The Faron Wetlands Quest Walkthrough (2025)

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  • Where To Find The Faron Wetlands

  • The Stilled Heart Rift

  • The Stilled Blossu's House Rift

  • How To Break Out Of Prison

  • How To Enter The Sweet Spot

  • How To Complete The Faron Wetlands Temple

Each region in The Legend Of Zelda: Echoes Of Wisdom is unique, but all of them are plagued by rifts. These portals to the Stilled World are causing problems for everyone, and only Zelda and Tri can work together to restore the rifts. It will take some creativity and patience, but in time, you can save all of Hyrule from certain doom!


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The Faron Wetlands are no exception when it comes to rifts, and sealing the major rift in the region will greatly improve the quality of life there. Here's how to navigate the region and restore the rifts around the wetlands with Zelda!

Where To Find The Faron Wetlands

The Faron Wetlands is located in the southeastern portion of Hyrule. This deep jungle is full of flora and fauna that will likely try to take a bite out of you. The Dekus who live here are friendly enough, though you'll have some trouble getting them to trust you.

When you arrive in the Faron Wetlands, continue eastward through the overgrown jungle to reach the Sweet Spot. Tri senses the rift within, but the Deku Scrubs outside won't allow you entry without a membership card.

New Membership Cards aren't being distributed at this time, so you'll have to get one from someone else who is already a member.

To get a membership card, you'll have to explore the wetlands and speak with other Deku Scrubs to see who is willing to part with such a prized item.

The Stilled Heart Rift

The Legend Of Zelda: Echoes Of Wisdom - A Rift In The Faron Wetlands Quest Walkthrough (2)

In your search for the coveted membership card, you'll find the Heart Lake to the southwest. This lovely landmark has been swallowed up by a rift. The Deku Scrub in the lake is inconsolable, as her dearest love is trapped inside the rift.

You'll need to enter the rift and find all of Tri's friends trapped within. There are five locations where you'll find them, and after catching and freeing each cluster, the rift will be restored.

Check out our complete Stilled Heart Lake Rift guide here!

After the rift has been repaired, you can ask the Deku Scrubs about their membership cards. Unfortunately, they're not willing to part with the card since they have a date planned later. You'll have to move along to find another Deku Scrub with a membership card.

The Stilled Blossu's House Rift

The Legend Of Zelda: Echoes Of Wisdom - A Rift In The Faron Wetlands Quest Walkthrough (3)

Make your way to the east to find Blossu outside their house with several other Deku Scrubs. While they celebrate her house being gone so they can get more cotton candy, Blossu would like their house back. Step up to the rift and hop in.

Check out our complete Stilled Blossu's House Rift guide here!

You'll have to find all five of Tri's friends within to restore the rift. Once you've found them, Blossu's house will be restored! While Blossu is grateful, the other Deku Scrubs are enraged and will drag you to prison.

How To Break Out Of Prison

Once you're thrown into the Deku Scrub Prison, you'll have everything confiscated. With only a wooden stick and your friend Tri, you'll need to get creative if you want to escape.

First, bind Tri to the key outside your cell and drag it within reach. Pick up the key and escape your cell. The next part is much trickier, as you'll need to get out of the prison without being seen.

If you're caught, you'll be thrown back in your cell and have to start again. Thankfully, you keep the key!

Throw vases to shatter them and distract the Deku Scrubs, hide behind walls and boxes, and use your movements to carefully navigate the prison. You'll want to get your rod back first so you can use echoes, as that will open more possibilities for you.

When you finally escape the prison, you'll find Blossu waiting for you. Blossu will give you their membership card when you ask, allowing you entry to the exclusive club and the rift within.

How To Enter The Sweet Spot

With the membership card in hand, make your way back to Scrubton and enter the Sweet Spot. Inside, you'll find several Deku Scrubs indulging themselves on cotton candy until they are consumed by the rift.

Fight off the dark enemies that emerge in the aftermath, then wait for Tri to create an opening in the rift so you can enter the Stilled World.

Inside the rift, navigate over the webbing and take the offensive against any enemies inside. When you ome to a wall of flame, you'll need to extinguish it using your echoes.

The best echo for this would be Drippitune!

Once you extinguish the wall of fire, head inside and climb along the rock wall and activate the electric gems to reach the entrance to the Faron Temple.

How To Complete The Faron Wetlands Temple

The Legend Of Zelda: Echoes Of Wisdom - A Rift In The Faron Wetlands Quest Walkthrough (4)

The Faron Temple is different from other temples as the front room is inaccessible through the front door. You'll need to gain entry through the room above and work your way down to release the bars for easier movement through the dungeon.

There are four floors within the temple, and you'll work your way from the top to the bottom as you explore. There are dozens of puzzles to solve within the dungeon, many of them emphasizing precise timing and balance to proceed. Take your time and experiment with your echoes.

Check out our complete Faron Temple guide here!

You'll also need to chase after the mysterious Deku Plant you spotted outside the temple. Twice, you'll face off against it in search of the big key which will unlock the dungeon's boss door.

Thankfully, the Deku Plant boss isn't terribly difficult to handle. Make sure to keep your distance and use your best offensive echoes to deal damage.

Make sure to aim for the red spheres along each stem's head, which will allow you to lop off each one.

As you progress through each level of the dungeon, you'll eventually reach the Faron Temple Boss: Gohma. This giant spider-like boss will cause you plenty of trouble, so make sure you're prepared before challenging her.

Check out our complete Gohma boss battle guide here!

Gohma attacks constantly, and you'll need to use fire to burn away webs. You can use echoes like the Electric Keese to trigger the green gems along her body, which will make her drop to the floor.

After you defeat Gohma by exploiting her weaknesses, you'll be rewarded with might crystals. Tri will help you leave the Stilled World, where you'll be able to continue in your quest to save Hyrule from the rifts.


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The Legend Of Zelda: Echoes Of Wisdom - A Rift In The Faron Wetlands Quest Walkthrough (2025)
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Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

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Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.